Londinium overview
Londinium – a new premium admin skin with lots of custom elements, 35+ plugins and very flexible content structure. Londinium is powered with Bootstrap framework, includes 2 columns liquid structure with 4 level navigation and 2 sidebar options, horizontal and vertical navigation structures. Compatible with Bootstrap 3.1.1 and latest jquery versions. Integrated bootstrap plugins add an extra easy to use components to custom stuff like buttons, dropdown menus, different button sizes and many other features. Londinium is a responsive template, which means it is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.
12 columns grid for main content and widgets makes the whole template very flexible for different types of data and content. Londinium admin template contains the most useful Bootstrap components and other jQuery plugins.
Supports 2 sidebar versions – wide and narrow, which is left or right aligned. Also Bootstrap default navbar menus add extra functionality for horizontal navigation layout option.
Londinium template uses CSS3 animation for almost all existing components and elements, such as links, buttons, dropdowns, tooltips, popovers, charts etc.
Also there is a custom Icomoon icon font available by default, which contains 850+ high quality icon glyphs, based on 16px grid.
Please, if you found any bugs, strange look or have any suggestions – don’t hesitate to let me know, i will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Usual support available: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 20:00 CET
Full features list
Liquid 2 columns layout
Wide and narrow sidebars
Left or right sidebar positions
Static or fixed top navbar
Fully responsive layout
Top horizontal navigation
4 level main navigation menu
Collapse sidebar
Disabled navigation items feature
Custom info blocks, grid buttons and widgets
Integrated Flot charts
Page tabbed interface
Custom form snippets
Team members page
Profile page
Animated styled checkboxes and radios
Spinners with mousewheel support and support of globalization
Checkbox toggles
Date range picker with custom layout
Language switch menu
Custom search dropdown with autocomplete
Custom Icomoon icon font integrated
Styled basic tables
Form components:
Basic inputs: text and password fields, placeholder, max value, predefined value, disabled and read only fields, textarea etc.
3 input sizes
Form helpers: text and labels
Hover and Focus tooltips
Fields with left and right aligned icons
Validation classes
Group addons: icons, buttons, text, checkboxes, radios, dropdowns.
Textareas: elastic and with counter
Tags input
Animated styled checkboxes and radios, including 5 color schemes
Styled single file uploader
Set of unstyled form components: selects, radios, checkboxes, file input
Spinner with mousewheel support
Multiselect and single select
Select2 dropdowns with/without search
Multiple selects
iOS like Bootstrap toggles
Masked inputs
Listbox with filtering
Advanced HTML5 inputs
Form layouts: vertical, horizontal, bordered, separated, inside/outside panel
12 columns responsive inputs grid
WYSIWYG editor: inside panel, outside panel, inside modal.
Form validation
Multiple file uploader with drag/drop support
Custom form snippets
Advanced datatables:
Inside and outside panel
Bordered datatable
Striped datatable
Hover cell datatable
Condensed datatable
Bordered and striped datatable
Datatable with tools menu
2 types of pagination
Datatable with selectable rows
Interface components:
Modals: default dialog, iconified modal, modal with form, with table, with remote path, with tabs, with WYSIWYG editor, large/small modals.
jGrowl notifications
Custom CSS3 animated loading spinners
Themed progress bars
Alerts and alert blocks
Contextual backgrounds and text colors
4 direction tooltips
4 direction popovers
jQuery UI datepicker
jQuery UI sliders set
Bootstrap color picker
Time picker
Themed labels and badges
Pagination: large, medium, small, left/center/right aligned, double.
Pager: boxed, unboxed.
Dropdown and dropup menus with 2 icon positions
Tabs and pills: default, justified, page tabs, toolbar tabs, iconified navs
Accordion and toggle groups
Nav lists
Stacked tabs and pills
Media groups: basic text and linked items
Panel heading options: buttons, labels, badges, icons, dropdowns, spinners etc.
Themed panels
Panels with additional elements
2 navbar options: light and colored
Custom template and default Bootstrap navbar elements: links, buttons, dropdowns, forms etc.
Custom info blocks: charts, widgets, grid buttons, bars etc.
850+ custom icon glyphs
Extended buttons: 6 colors, icon button, block button, 3 sizes, with dropdowns and dropups etc.
Syntax highlighting
Emphasys styles
List styles
Page header elements: progress bar, buttons, search input, selects, charts etc.
Template layouts:
Wide left sidebar (default tempate layout)
Wide right sidebar
Left narrow sidebar
Right narrow sidebar
Wide sidebar with left aligned icons
Collapsed by default sidebar
Fixed navbar
Horizontal navigation
Horizontal navigation with sidebar
Sidebar with disabled navigation items
Task manager:
Task grid
Table with tasks
Task detailed page: times, description, comments, Add comment form, assigned users, custom toolbars and info.
User options:
Team page: boxed, unboxed layouts and custom table with users
Contact list: list of users with chat layout, table with contacts.
User profile page with pills: activity, messages, user list, invoices etc.
Support related pages:
FAQ’s layout page: list of suestions/answers, search field, contact form.
Chat with tabs: user list as a tabs
Chat with contacts: user list with option buttons
Static tables: default, bordered, striped, condensed, inside and outside panel
Custom static tables: with table footer, with checkboxes, with toolbar, inside tabs, pre-scrollable
Custom table controls: labels, buttons, selects, button and icon groups, progress bars, multiselect, spinner, dropdowns
Dynamic tables: inside/outside panel, bordered, striped, striped and bordered, hover cells, condensed
Advanced datatables: with selectable rows, with pager, with tools menu, with columns filtering
Flot charts: horizontal and vertical bars, simple charts, animated charts, pie charts, auto updating charts etc.
Search page with search results
Invoice template: paid and pending
Table with list of invoices
2 login pages: simple login page and login page with user profile image
Error pages:
403 error
404 error
405 error
500 error
Website is offline
Error page with sidebar
Blank pages:
Left wide sidebar
Right wide sidebar
Narrow sidebar
Collapsed sidebar by default
Full width page
Version 1.0 released
Version 1.1 released (March 25, 2014)
Added: – Boxed layout width fixed width
Fixed: – Right sidebar toggle issue
Fixed: – Sidebar overlap on small screens. Now it pushes content down
Fixed: – Narrow sidebar user menu image. Correct border radius
Fixed: – Fixed navbar sidebar issue. Sidebar appends to the navbar
Version 1.2 released (May 13, 2014)
Added: – Switch from wide sidebar to narrow sidebar
Added: – Offcanvas layout
Added: – Few more examples of new datatables plugin
Updated: – Main navigation accordion instead of toggle
Updated: – Datatables plugin to the latest version
Updated: – Minor visual changes
Updated: – Viewport to prevent scale on mobile devices
Fixed: – CSS issues (non-existing images, incorrect code)