DZS Scroller Gallery is the ultimate media gallery that you can use for showcasing your portfolio, photographs or even video shots. The gallery consists of thumbs layed out in a grid format that can have a description and link set on them. The link can also be a lightbox link so it can pop up a lightbox like prettybos to launch images, videos or text.
supports any image size
compatible with any lightbox script, prettyphotto example included
fully skinable via CSS
inline content support – you can have videos or any other html content on the thumb or the description
compatible with iPhone / iPad
UPDATE 2.0 [ 30/05/2012 ]
new gallery type – arrows ( first preview example )
added new options ( see docs )
changed initialization structure
UPDATE 1.1 [ 09/07/2011 ]
scrollbars now visible on the iphone / ipad
What do you get?
jquery plugin files
example files – premade examples from which you can start modify and build your project with
readme - documentation
LIFETIME updates! – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
free support! – for installation via my forum -> this is the fastest form of support
icons from –
jQuery –
masonry –