Ken Burns Media Gallery / Slideshow

Ken Burns Media Gallery / Slideshow
WordPress Version Updates UPDATE 2.1 [ 14/06/2011 ] added autoheight example + api calls UPDATE 2.0 [ 09/06/2011 ] fixed bugs rebranded to Phoenix Gallery – same gallery features + more added thumbnail navigation Introduction jQuery Ken Burns Slideshowis the perfect way to showcase your pictures/ads in style. Each item has a separate slideshow time and you can edit their link, target and many other individual settings just by modifying the HTML. Features supports .PNGs, .JPGs, .GIFs API – call pause, play, gotoNext, gotoPrev from your html (outside the gallery) autoheight – option to autosize the gallery depending on the height of the content supports unlimited items – rotate as many pictures as you wish slideshow mode – with independent time for each item that you can define in the HTML provided values you can set up for each item – description (the description from the top), initialZoom(any value you wish), finalZoom, slideshowTime ( the time the banner rotator stays focused on the specific item ), burn effect time ( the time you wish the effect to take ), url (if no url is set the item will just be a image with no link on click ), transitionType(easeInSine,linear etc.) , initialposition, final position (choose from topleft,topcenter,topright,middleleft,middlecenter,middleright,bottomleft,bottomcenter,bottomright ) resizable to your preferred size – all contents will position proper Possible panning positions ( initial and final ) FAQ How to set the number of thumbnails, I have this portrait images in the slider.. the navigation only shows 2 of them, while there is space for 4? You can’t set the number of thumbnails displayed per ‘page’ because it’s calculated automatically from thumb width / height and thumb space. So try to lower that for more thumbs. Also there is another parameter “nav_arrow_size:40” – this is the space that is allocated for each arrow ( so at default 80 px are substracted for the arrows ) and you can also lower this for more thumbs. is it possible to put a link on the images ( the main image offcourse not the thumbnails) Yes, sure, write instead of I try to add links in the description but it breaks the script Propably you are doing something like this BAD: data-description="My link is here" The problem is that the ” inside href breaks the ” from the data-description. The solutions is use ’ instead of “ GOOD: data-description='My link is here' Hi. How can i stop the auto-sliding of the phoenixgallery you have in the parameters targetgallery.phoenixgallery({ transition_type:"random", nav_type:"thumbsa", nav_position:"up", thumb_width:100, thumb_height:75, thumb_space:20, nav_space:25, nav_arrow_size:40, settings_shadow:"off", settings_autoresize:"off", settings_autoheight:"off", settings_pauseonrollover:"off", settings_usethumbarrows:'off', transition_strips_x:10, transition_strips_y:5, arrows_normal_alpha:1, arrows_roll_alpha:0.3, thumbs_normal_alpha:1, thumbs_roll_alpha:0.3 }) to disable slideshow just add a new parameter settings_slideshow and set it to off like this targetgallery.phoenixgallery({ transition_type:"random", nav_type:"thumbsa", nav_position:"up", thumb_width:100, thumb_height:75, thumb_space:20, nav_space:25, nav_arrow_size:40, settings_shadow:"off", settings_autoresize:"off", settings_autoheight:"off", settings_slideshow:"off", settings_pauseonrollover:"off", settings_usethumbarrows:'off', transition_strips_x:10, transition_strips_y:5, arrows_normal_alpha:1, arrows_roll_alpha:0.3, thumbs_normal_alpha:1, thumbs_roll_alpha:0.3 }) For some reason when I add a link to the image the zoom effect no longer functions. That is because the attributes data-initialZoom, data-finalZoom, data-effectTime etc. need to be on the direct child of the gallery div. For example if you have < img src="img/1.jpg" data-finalZoom="2"/> effect will work, but if you add link like this < img src="img/1.jpg" data-finalZoom="2"/> effect won’t work. You need to move the attributes to the direct child of the gallery like so: < img src="img/1.jpg" /> Credits Creative photos –
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