STOP CODING YOUR IMAGES! This is a plugin that automatically generates a slider from a folder of images, taking the name of the images as captions.
You can change the order of the images, and also select which ones will show the caption.
----> Update: March 17, 2021
Updated the components and fix compatibility issues with the latest version of jQuery
----> Update: May 2, 2013
Added a option to disabled the right click on the images, you can pass it like this to the JS function:
rightClickImages : false
Stop coding your images
40 Transition Effects for the images
11 Transition Effects for the captions
CSS3 Transformations
Tons of Options
Swipe Support
Multipe Sliders Per Page
Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap
Keyboard navigation
Customizable through CSS
Support any HTML in the name of the images (for captions)
Default Javascript Options
theme : 'default',
width : '100%',
autoPlay : true,
rightClickImages : false,
showTimer : true,
playInterval : 4000,
playBtn : true,
loop : true,
navArrows : true,
navBar : true,
navBarNumeric : false,
autoHideNavArrows : false,
autoHidePlayBtn : true,
autoHideNavBar : false,
keyboardNav : true,
transitionSpeed : 700,
boxSpeed : 450,
captionSpeed : 300,
captions : true,
autoHideCaptions : false,
thumbnails : true,
thumbnailSize : 20,
x : 8,
y : 4,
hideIconsInWidth : 500,
hideTimerInWidth : 500,
shadow : true,
beforeTransition : function(){},
afterTransition : function(){},
onSlideshowEnd : function() {},
onPlay : function() {},
onPause : function() {}
The Code You Need
You need to create the function “make_slider” with a unique id (the first parameter) and specify the folder where the plugin will read the images automatically (the second parameter)
You can read the documentation of the plugin here
Old browsers like IE7 that doesn’t support the CSS property “transform” are not supporting the zoom and openBook effect so they fallback into a fade effect.