Media Boxes Portfolio is a featured jQuery grid plugin that allows you to display all kind of content in a highly powerful grid. Use it for blog posts, display media, clients, portfolios, shopping carts, galleries and all you can imagine.
it comes with a powerful filter, sorting and search system!
You can put the plugin in your existing HTML/CSS and it will automatically adapt to its container, also you can quickly customize it via CSS and HTML so it adapts to your needs.
The plugin provides you tons of options for filtering:
Define your own HTML markup for the filter
Apply your own CSS style to the filter
Add any number of filters
Target multiple boxes
Target some boxes and exclude others
Add multiple categories to the boxes (belong to several categories)
Use any jQuery selector
Multiple filters, combined with the search and sort feature
The plugin provides you the option to search in the current layout so you can find items very quickly, just specify what elements you want to target with the searching.
If you have a filter it will work together with the search feature, the popup and the load more feature will take in count this filtering as well.
Sort the layout in real time, you can use text, numbers and even extend it for your own desires. Make your own sorting options, there’s no limit.
You can specify for each thumbnail that for certain width you want certain height and the plugin will cut the height for you (depending on the resolution, this works as the ratio). This is very handy when you want all your thumbnails to have the same dimensions.
If you specify the ratio of the thumbnails (width x height) the plugin will show you the layout and the content without any delay, then it will load each thumbnail separately (showing a loading wheel) so it will feel like the plugin loads faster (like in the demo).
The plugin is using Isotope v2 which is currently one of the fastest grid systems with filtering out there. Also it uses the best browser features when available (CSS3 transitions and GPU acceleration) and a fallback of simple animation for older browsers
You can define the grid layout (the number of columns or the width) for different resolutions, for example maybe you want only one column for a mobile resolution, 3 columns for a tablet resolution and 5 columns for a desktop resolution.
One box can extend across several columns (usually 2), you only need to specify it, but play carefully with this option since in some resolutions you may find gaps between boxes because it may not fit perfectly all the time (according to Isotope logic).
The plugin is using Fancybox and the Magnific Popup which are very popular and powerful lightboxes/popups.
You can load a lot of stuff in the popup like images, videos, sounds, iframes, HTML text, Google maps and ajax content (It doesn’t support video/sound files like .mp4 or .mp3, they need to be iframe based, like in Youtube or SoundCloud)
You can find plenty of support in google since it is a very popular popup, for example to add swipe support or many other features.
Directly link to the popup so you can share the popup content with your friends or in your social network, just copy and paste the URL generated when you open the popup.
Fully responsive grid and popup
Deep linking
Lazy load Feature
One of the fastest grids out there
Configure the layout for different resolutions
Multiple columns
Unlimited number of items
The popup supports images, videos, sounds, iframes, HTML text, Google maps and ajax content of any dimensions and it will keep the right proportions
Powerful filtering system
Searching system
Sorting feature
Retina ready icons
Set the number of boxes to load at start and when you click the “load more” button
Support thumbnails for the grid only to the images you want to improve performance
Define the ratio of your thumbnails
Auto cuts the height of the thumbnails with CSS techniques (if ratio defined)
Full width, the grid will adapt to the 100% of its container if you set the width of each column to ‘auto’
You can specify a static width for each column or specify number of columns
Change the portfolio layout for different resolutions
CSS3 Effects and GPU acceleration
Tons of overlay effects
Easy implementation
Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap
Deactivate and Activate Features through Javascript Options
Fully customizable and adaptable to your needs
Free Technical Support
I’ve used the following icons and scripts
Font Awesome
Isotope v2 ($25 developer license)
Magnific Popup
Other JS scripts that you can find in the JS folder
v3.7.4 – March 17, 2021
Updated the components
Fixed issue when using OR combined with the search field
Fixed minor bugs
Now the plugin ships with the latest jQuery version
v3.6 – February 01, 2020
Updated the JS file, cleaned up the code
Fix a strange bug with the first item when a default filter other than all was selected
Waypoints is not longer needed, now you must include a JS file named “jquery.visible.min.js”
v3.5 – March 26, 2019
Now the thumbnails that have ratio specify will adapt to the 100% of the container, so no longer black bars at the top and bottom
Updated all the components to the latest version
Minor JS improvements
v3.3 – August 10, 2017
New popup/lightbox as arrived to the Media Boxes, which is very touch friendly and comes with awesome features (like thumbnail view, fullscreen, etc), you can still use Magnific Popup though, so you have 2 popup plugins now, choose the one you prefer!
New sorting searching tools
Updated some components
Minor JS improvements
v3.2 – March 10, 2017
Added some acceleration to the effects and fixed some flickering
New JS methods for insert and refreshing the grid, check them out here
The JS logic for the dropdown filter now its on a different file named “jquery.mediaBoxes.dropdown.js” so its easier to maintain, you’ll only need to add it along the other files, check it out here
v3.1 – November 3, 2016
Fix and issue with the popup when adding boxes via JS/Ajax
v3.1 – October 29, 2016
Fixed and issue with the iframe-on-grid feature in the media_grid example
v3.1 – September 30, 2016
If you want to have the dropdown menu (the one used for filtering or sorting) open when you click on it instead of when you put the mouse over, you need to add this attribute: data-event=”click” to the div with the class of “media-boxes-drop-down”
Now you can also use OR logic when using multiple filters, you can set this with a new JS option named “multipleFilterLogic” (check the docs)
When using multiple filters, if you want them to be independent from each other add this peace of JS BEFORE the JS initialization of the media boxes and AFTER jQuery:
$('*[data-filter]:not(*[data-filter="*"]').on('click', function(e){
var current_all_filter = $(this).parents('ul').find('*[data-filter="*"]');
v3.0 – August 04, 2016
New design on the live preview
Upgrade to latest versions of isotope, imagesLoaded, magnific popup and all components used
Now is compatible with jQuery v3
SEO on the thumbnails, just look for the “Add SEO” section in the documentation
Changed the path to the components used in the plugin, so it is easier to upgrade, check the “Including files” section in the docs
Option “showOnlyLoadedBoxesInPopup” changed to “showOnlyVisibleBoxesInPopup”
Changed how the popup images are specified so you can have as many as you want in a single box, check the “Popup” section in the docs
The video-on-grid class changed its location along with the popup attributes, so just check the “Handy Stuff” section in the docs
The “sort” and “filter” JS setting are not longer needed, since now it automatically looks for the elements with “data-filter” or “data-sort-by” attribute and uses them
Now you can also use a “select” element for filtering, just find the “Use a select as filter” section in the docs
Changed the deep linking hash of the popup from mb= to (grid|popup)= you’ll see it in action in the hash when using the new version
Deep Linking on filters and search is now possible!
the JS option named “deeplinking” was replaced by:
deepLinkingOnPopup: true,
deepLinkingOnFilter: true,
deepLinkingOnSearch: false,
Now you can pass the “horizontalSpaceBetweenBoxes” and “verticalSpaceBetweenBoxes” settings in the resolutions JS setting, so you can have different space between boxes depending on the resolution you have, check the “resolutions” JS setting in the docs
v2.8 – August 23, 2015
Fixed an issue with the dropdown menu on mobile
v2.7 – August 17, 2015
Added new fresh examples
Fixed some bugs and added some SEO optimization
v2.6 – Jan 11, 2015
Fixed some bugs with the loading function
v2.5 – Oct 16, 2014
Fixed some bugs with Firefox about the drop down menu
Fixed some bugs with the filtering and the ‘minimum boxes per filter’ feature
Fixed some JS logic
Improved the usability of the drop down menu on mobile browsers
v2.4 – July 8, 2014
Change the image icons for retina icons (Font Awesome)
Added a drop down for sorting and filtering
Added sorting examples
v2.3 – July 7, 2014
Added search feature
Added sorting feature
v2.2 – July 2, 2014
Added an option named “considerFilteringInPopup” so the popup shows only boxes from the filter specified, this is true by default now.
Changed the namespace of the imagesLoaded plugin since it would crash with the old version of isotope (if included in the same page)
v2.1 – June 28, 2014
Added deep linking
v2.0 – June 25, 2014
it is a totally new plugin
all the logic behind changed
CSS style changed
HTML markup changed
options changed
make sure to read the docs before you upgrade
v1.0 – September 25, 2013
initial release
You can take a look to the documentation HERE