WordPress API Posts and Pages Sync plugin can sync automatically posts and pages from one WordPress site to the other WordPress sites when posts and pages add/update. Also, sync bulk posts and pages in multiple WordPress sites. It is the perfect solution for separate WordPress sites.
Sync automatically post and page in single WordPress site when a post and page add/update.
Sync automatically post and page in multiple WordPress sites when a post and page add/update.
Bulk sync posts and pages in multiple WordPress sites.
Sync type options: ‘Auto Sync’ and ‘Manual Sync’.
Auto sync post categories and tags when post syncing with WordPress sites.
Auto sync post and page media (featured image).
Disable auto sync option: Disable auto sync when post and page add/update.
Sync on post/page delete option: Automatically trash/delete post or page in destination sites when trash/delete post or page on source site.
Exclude post meta data option: Exclude meta data when syncing with web sites.
Exclude term meta data option: Exclude meta data when syncing with web sites.
Add unlimited sync WordPress sites.
The plugin requires a minimum WordPress 4.7 version.
The plugin requires a minimum PHP 5.6 version.
Third party plugin support
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF): It’s only support Text, Text Area, Number, Email, Password, Wysiwyg Editor, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, True / False, Google Map, Date Picker, Color Picker and Message field types.
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) PRO: It’s only support Text, Text Area, Number, Email, Password, Wysiwyg Editor, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, True / False, Google Map, Date Picker, Color Picker and Message field types.
Ratings & Reviews
- Optimized sync method.
- Improved Sites Settings.
- Improved Settings.
- Feature - Exclude term meta data option: Exclude meta data when syncing with web sites.
- Security release.
- Fixed - Page Attributes sync.
- Feature - Added "Exclude Meta Data" option.
- Maintenance release.
- Feature - Sync on post/page delete option: Automatically trash/delete post or page in destination sites when trash/delete post or page on source site.
- Feature - Added "API Error Logs" section.
- Maintenance release.
- Initial release.