W8 Contact Form for WordPress is one of the most flexible Contact Form plugin with multiple recipients, unlimited forms, different styles, animations, auto reply option and huge variety of additional customization options. Provides embed and floating, sliding methods to attract the visitors
Ensures a professional system to get in touch with your customers easily. You can highly customize the entire form with optional image, description and social links. Also possible to send different auto-reply message for each recipients or set it globally. The plugins grants, you will never lose any messages, just turn the logging option to on and the emails will be saved, then you can read them directly on your WordPress admin area.
Styles and Skins
Provides different skins and styles combinations. The styles are mostly color schemes and you can choose it separately with unique skins. The default is the sliding or floating view, but it can be embed to any page to get a flat type form. The flat type also customized by the predefined styles and skins. Additional style and skin customization is possible via editing the CSS file of the plugin.
Unlimited Recipients and Contacts with Social Icons
Create as many recipients as you wish in the W8 Contact Form. Each one has it’s own fields, social icons and image, in addition you can specify individual auto-reply message. Social Icons can be linked to Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Skype, Tumblr, Flickr and Foursquare.
It is possible to set the status of any of the recipients to active or passive, therefore you don’t have to delete when it is not available for short period. (for example: vacation)
Various Captcha Modes
Offers 4 different captcha modes, including the disabled mode. In this case you won’t see any captcha on the form. The plugin works with AJAX, therefore the spam bots can’t submit the form easily. It can be also works well with disabled captcha mode, but if you need any further security, simply enable one of the three unique captchas. The Math Captcha add a simple calculation task to the sliding contact form via jQuery. It is a popular captcha mode, because the robots can’t fill it with the correct result. With Image Captcha mode, the plugin generates a random image with numbers and the visitor has to fill out a field with the correct numbers. This solution is handled by on the server side with PHP, therefore it is almost impossible to manipulate. Hidden Field Captcha is a new solution based on the spam robots logic. These robots try to fill out all input fields on the website. The plugin add a hidden empty field in this mode then check the value during the form submit. If the field still empty, the form will be successfully sent otherwise the process will be terminated.
Global and Individual Auto-Reply
Individual or global autoresponse can be also set on the WordPress admin. You can specify it in each recipients or set it globally for all recipients. The usage is really easy, just leave empty the individual auto-reply area and the WordPress Plugin will use the global auto-reply message. If you don’t fill out the global and the individual, the auto-reply option will be disabled.
Logging User Activities
The user activities will be recorded with this option and you can see all emails directly on your admin panel even your email address temporary doesn’t work. Pay attention to the size of the logs, hundreds or thousands of log entries might be affect the performance of your website, therefore don’t forget to clear the logs periodically.
Mobile Friendly and Responsive Layout
Compatible with most device screens, including tablets and mobiles. As a result, you can add a slide form to your website, that is fully fit to the visitors’ screen. Fancy navigation bar helps to scroll down inside the form if the content is larger than the form.
Unique Styles
Next to the overall skins and styles, the contact us form’s parts can be customized with some additional options as well. Photo border can be disabled or set a custom color via the built-in RGB Color Picker.
You have also an opportunity to choose form 10 different photo styles. These styles mostly change the shape of the recipients’ images in the form.
Key Features
Display as Global or use Multiple Contact Forms with Shortcodes
Provides Total Customization with Shortcodes as well
Enable or Disable Sending Copy to the Customer
Attractive Animation when you Change the Target Contact(Subject)
Unlimited Contacts, Unlimited Contact Forms
Animated Instant Validation
Automatically Preload the Contact’s Images
Option to Hide Contact’s Photos
Ajax-Based Contact Form, Works without Reloading the Page
Four Different Captcha Modes: Image, Math, Hidden Field or Disabled
Option to do not Display on Mobiles
Custom Vertical Position
Upload your Own Contact Icon
Ability to Reverse the Contact’s Header (Change the Photo and Titles Order)
Light and Dark Styles
Minimal and Default Skins
Contains the Original and a Minified jQuery File.
Usable HTML Template/Tags in Auto-Reply Messages
10 Unique Photo Styles
Customize Contacts’ Order with Shortcodes
Disable Photo’s Border Color or use the RGB Color Picker to set
Shake and HeartBeat Icon animations with Custom Shake Animation Time
9 Social Icons, Active or Passive Status, Auto-Reply Message and Additional Custom Parameters for Contacts
Global Auto-Reply or Set Different Ones for Each Contacts
Joker Tags to dynamically include Client’s Name, Message, Email Address, Subject to the Auto-Reply Message
Enable or Disable Detailed Logging
Logs Contains All Informations about the Contact Form Activity including Status (Success or Failed), Sender and Recipient Informations, Messages, Autoreply and More
With Inline/Flat Style Include it to the Content as an Integrated Contact Form.
Ability to Open, Close, Hide, Show the Contact Form with Clicking on a Link
Responsive, Mobile Friendly
Ability to Lock the Screen with a Dark, Transparent Background
Fixed Positions
Optional Automatic Slide-In when the Visitor Reach the Bottom of the Page
Enable or Disable the Close Icon
10 Different Open/Close Easing Animations
Translation-Ready, Contains a Simple Custom, Built-In Translator and also Supports WPML (Standard WordPress Localization)
Select the Direction of the Contact Form (Left or Right)
Option to Auto-Open the Contact Form just once for each Visitors
Unlocks Screen and Close the Contact Form with Clicking on the Background
Hide/Show the Contact Icon
Adjustable Transparency
Three Different Icon Sizes
Detailed Documentation
The plugin featured in the 5 Best Form Plugins for WordPress by AYS Pro
Version 1.5.9 – 17/05/2022 - minor code optimization
Version 1.5.8 – 10/08/2021 - fixed Flower Light Blue skin with Light and Dark style
- issues identified by library management have been fixed
Version 1.5.7 – 30/06/2020 - added option to use link in custom fields
Version 1.5.6 – 03/07/2019 - fixed auto-reply admin page doesn’t appear
Version 1.5.5 – 16/02/2018 - fixed color picker layout issue on admin
Version 1.5.4 - improved backend with floating submit
- fixed some CSS issues on mobile
- improved animations
Version 1.5.3 - fixed unnecessary box-shadow on custom checkboxes and radio buttons
- added 7 new skins (curved wood, decorated, elegant black, lines, pages 1, pages 2, wooden floor)
- fixed minor tranlation issue
- added TRPHONE as a static translatable custom field
Version 1.5.2 - changed icon H2 element to SPAN
Version 1.5.1 - fixed minor escaping issue with the contacts’ details
- fixed auto-reply issue
Version 1.5 - added option to specify any number of email address for the contacts (comma separated list, added as CC in the email)
Version 1.4.1 - minor improvements frontend styles
- fixed SSL issue
- fixed demo contacts delete issue
- reconstructed the entire admin area
- reconstructed documentation
- added Custom CSS feature
- added ZIP Updater
Version 1.4 - added custom fields (text, textarea, select, checkbox, radio button, hidden field)
- minor visibility improvements
- fixed floating admin bar issue
- added option to set font weight for name, title, description, input fields and submit button (overwrite theme default)
- added option to set font color for the entire contact form and submit button (overwrite theme default)
- added option to set the background color for the entire contact form, submit button and submit button hover (overwrite theme default)
- fixed minor visibility issues
- added sender URL to message body
- improved frontend style
- added 10 new skins
- added transparent background to image captcha
- added full height slide option
- added YouTube icon
- fixed autoreply email address bug on admin
- added option to specify target div for background animation
- added option to use single contact without subject (hide subject selector)
- improved mail sending
- added option to install demo contacts
Version 1.3 - added 10 background animations
- improved mail sending
- improved display on large screens
- fixed minor visibility bugs
- fixed custom icon bug
- fixed minor bug with cookies
Version 1.2 - fixed minor visibility issues with light style
- fixed www domain prefix email sender bug
- decreased minimal character length of the name field to 2
Version 1.1
- added option to set font family (Google Fonts)
- added option to set name font size
- added option to set title font size
- added option to set description font size
- added option to set fields font size
- added option to set button font size
- updated documentation
If you have any question or feedback, please feel free to email me via my user page contact form.
The plugin’s FAQ also contains some useful informations.
Contact’s Images on the demo website is not the part of the plugin, you can download it from the links you can find in the Credits.
ThemeForest Theme Developers
Would you like to include this plugin into your theme?
Purchase one extended license for each theme you want to sell on any Envato Marketplaces. Drop me a line via my profile page mail sender and I will add your theme link to this page.
Refund Policy
Full refund can be given, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website as it described, the issue caused by the product and can’t be fixed in 48 hours. In most cases, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website, that caused by any of the following reasons:
outdated WordPress Theme, that has an error in the background
outdated other plugin(s), that has an error in the background
other plugin or theme, that includes invalid jQuery version instead of using the WordPress built-in jQuery
hosting limitations or configuration issues
incorrect plugin configuration
Before you send a refund request, please make sure you already contacted with the support here and provided your website’s URL. If the plugin doesn’t work as it described and the problem is with the plugin, that can’t be fixed in 48 hours, then you can get a full refund.
If you refusing the free support and the issue can’t be investigated, then you can’t get a refund.
I owe a big thank you for the following websites and people:
Photos by Steve Wilson,Frank Kovalchek and Michael Coté
WordPress & jQuery Plugins