Simple Price Calculator is a jQuery plugin that can transform any html based form into a price calculation form. You can
use it to provide instant price quotes or estimates on products and services for your visitors. A total with details can be displayed dynamically within your page.
Simply add the functionality to your form id, setup a few attributes and the form is ready to go!
Documentation and examples are provided
Includes an ajax example that shows you how to e-mail the total and details (uses ajax and php)
Form is capable of multiplying two fields together and a quantity field can be added if needed
Currency and some of the form text can be changed through plugin options
Great customer support!
Note: If you are looking to integrate with WordPress, please contact me first for instructions. The version I submitted didn’t have enough features to be accepted in this marketplace.
Scripts Used
jQuery Number Plugin-
Change log
Version 1.5 – 3/3/2018
Added new function to plugin that allows specific fields to be multiplied with data-mult-ids
Fixed data-merge bug that caused 3 digit numbers to calculate incorrectly
Fixed bug that caused duplicate descriptions for some drop down box choices
Updated to latest version of jQuery
Version 1.4 – 11/8/2016
Added function to plugin that can be called outside of script to update total
Added ability to read hidden input field values
Fixed data-merge function so it works properly with select boxes and always rounds off to two decimal places with fractions
Version 1.3 – 2/6/2015
Fixed bug that caused decimals not to calculate properly
Added ability for select options to have data-mult functionality
Version 1.2- 10/21/2014
Fixed bug that caused plugin to break when form elements were within other divs or tags
Version 1.1- 9/3/2014
Added ability to change currency symbol through plugin options.
Radio,checkbox and select tag ids can now be used for the data-merge attribute
Sidebar is now responsive…will go below form on smaller screens
Updated Documentation on how to change plugin settings