Share+ : The most awesome way to share your site

Share+ : The most awesome way to share your site
Share+ is a very powerful & highly customisable social sharing jQuery plugin which creates a new social sharing experience for your site users. It comes with five pre made themes which allows for high customisability with the power of CSS. Replace the long list of unusable sharing buttons on your webpage with a neat, simple and organised sharing experience. Made with the latest technology – Powered by jQuery, supports HTML5 and it made with pure CSS3 (Yep, even the background stripes. Everything except the icons and the share+ sticker on the left is made with pure CSS3. You can also easily replace the sticky button with the included PSD file). Incredibly easy to modify and future proof! Share+ uses the jQuery framework and works client side. So you can use it on static and dynamic webpages. Add it to your site in seconds by including the theme CSS stylesheet, a javascript file and a single line of code. . Share+ supports all the major social networks – including facebook, twitter, pinterst, digg, delicious, yahoo, email, fav, print, live, stumbleupon, orkut, tumblr, linkedin, myspace, evernote, bebo, technorati, reddit, newsvine, mixx, netvibes, google+ and you can add your own! If you like Share+, please don’t forget to rate it Features Major social websites supported (including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest) Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet, Pinterest Pin and Google +1 native buttons supported Track actions with Google Analytics Easily activate share+ by adding ‘shareplus’ as class to links or open it using javascript functions Easily choose which social websites to display Easy to modify the style using css stylesheet and with the help of five pre-made themes (more coming soon) Use built-in functions to detect activation of share+ (when it is opened, closed, etc.). You can use this to run other JS functions Numerous other possible customisations Easy to customise Share+ is easy and highly customizable. Or you can just use the default settings. The styles are set in CSS for easy editing. There are many social share website links pre-defined in the script but if you find one that is not there, you can just add it by adding a simple code. And we have added a comment for almost every function in the script to make it easy for editing. Themes/Skins Choose the design that suits your site the best. Here are a few themes that are available at the moment. I will be working on more and will be releasing them in the coming updates. Stay tuned… Support Firstly please check out the FAQ section and see if you could find any solutions there. You can also contact me via the contact form on my profile page. I’ll be happy to help or provide support for my products. Support questions about my products on envato marketplaces sent via any other means will be ignored. Please try to include the following information if applicable with your message. Product name. URL to your affected page. Browser name & version. + anything else that you think will help us generate a speedy response.
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