Responsive Portfolio HTML5 Template
Red Art is an Elegant HTML 5 Template best suited for Art Gallery and place to display your portfolio. This template has lots of elements that are necessary to build a website. Red Art is coded with the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standard. Here are some of the template features.
4 Header Types
Dark/Light Version
20 color skins with 20 different Patterns
Masonary and isotope for Portfolio
Light box for portfolio images
Masonary blog page with Ajax loader (Prev/Next)
Header variants
Animation Friendly
Google Fonts Used
Separate blog, Portfolio and shop detail page
100% responsive in all device
Fontawesome icons
Contact forms
Valid source code (Html5 + Css3 + Javascript)
Compatible in all browser
NOTE: Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.