Parasponsive is perfect for companies, studios, private photographers, designers, blogs, and other web-projects.
Adaptive layout for all mobile and tablet devices.
A huge number of effects, including parallax are already inside.
Often updated.
Template Features:
Responsive layout
Paralax Effect
A lot of effects and animations
Flex Slider mobile friendly finger wipe
jCarousel mobile friendly finger wipe
Font Awasome, Zocial & Linecons Font Icons sets
Pricing table
Google MAPs as Iframe and Google Font feel free to edit.
Slider Support Video’s iframe
Video pop-up can be called by slider button
New! Pro version lightbox plugin attached (you save 49$ for pro version)
Portfolio now support Video items and new pop_up gallary already there!
Contact form now sends your messages!
This theme imports Javascript files.
My custom scripts
Bootstrap tooltips plugin
jCarousel Plugin
ToughtWipe Plugin
Isotope Plugin
Twitter Plugin
Waypoints Plugin
Knob Plugin
PLaceholder Plugin
ScrollTo Plugin
One Page Nav Plugin
Responsive Plugin
Modernizer Plugin
N.B. Images used in preview are NOT included in theme files.
Update 25-05-2013
Blog Update:
+Share buttons
Site Updated:
Styles updated
JS modified
Forms styles modified
Site’s loading speed optimized
Siteloading Animation changed
FontAwesome Icons up to date NOW!
Update 15-05-2013
Paralax now working on Ipad!
Paralax images works on Iphones!
Site loading speed Optimized!
Small Issues fixed
Update 08-05-2013
Slider Support Video’s iframe
Video pop-up can be called by slider button
New! Pro version lightbox plugin attached (you save 49$ for pro version)
Portfolio now support Video items and new pop_up gallary already there!
Contact form now sends your messages!