jQuery Dynamic Grid: The Engine

jQuery Dynamic Grid: The Engine
Dynamic Grid is a jQuery plugin for generating an animated, responsive and great looking grid for your content – be it images, news feed, text and what not. With the help of some sophisticated algorithms the script fills the grid with cells with (optionally) random heights on every page load, and thus giving the widget a unique layout every time someone loads your page! Additionally, the algorithm is smart enough to prevent cells from being too big for the total size of the widget. Which means at any point in time, there is no cell that is only partially shown or hidden. It just works like it should! The script gives you a great deal of control over the behavior and the looks of the grid, which makes it super flexible and with many usage possibilities. This plugin gives you a strong foundation of the widget that you wish to create. From there on, filling and styling the content inside is all up you! Number of options: Number of columns Number of rows Random/fixed cell height Padding between columns Fluid/fixed width Height Easing effect Animation speed Animation interval
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Jun 24, 2012 05:00 PM


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