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Clean and simple video background plugin for any website supports videos, Youtube and Vimeo, background audio, simple images, 360 virtual reality video, image panorama and Apple HLS, and MPEG DASH Live streaming.
Use this plugin to play single video in a loop, multiple looping videos or mixed playlist of videos and images.
Built in skip to url feature after video finish and navigate to new page makes it suitable for intro and landing pages.
Apply to all pages or on specific pages in website. Plugin can be used as full video background or within any HTML element in the page.
Features and options:
Responsive or fixed size posibilities
Media support
Self hosted video (or any public link that plays in browser)
Virtual reality 360 video, example here
Apple HLS Live Streaming, example here
MPEG DASH Live Streaming, example here
Youtube single videos
Vimeo single videos
Image support (with optional time duration)
Image panorama 360, example here
Self hosted audio (or any public link that plays in browser) with optional image slideshow background
Mixed media in playlist
Single looping video
Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
Randomize playlist
Autoplay on mobile (muted)
Video aspect ratio (fit inside, fit outside, original size)
Video playback speed
Video start / end time
Optional basic controls (pause/play/volume, seekbar etc) over video area
Optional built in skip intro feature (plus navigate to url video end)
Optional keyboard navigation
Option to use native player on mobile
Option to disable click on video background to pause play video.
Optional video overlay
API methods
This is javascript plugin for standalone website.
Due to current browser restrictions, video autoplay is possible muted, and audio requires user interaction with the page beforehand to start playing. Alternative it to use button in player controls or your own custom button to start audio playback on click.
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 4.5 [12.1.2024]
- [UPDATE] converted player to javascript only (no jquery dependencies)
- [ADD] optional thumb gallery
- [UPDATE] new setting autoPlayAfterFirst
VERSION 3.82 [18.10.2023]
- [UPDATE] youtube embed parameters
VERSION 3.8 [19.12.2022]
- [FIX] is start time was set on self hosted video, video would not play
- [FIX] controls container not working
- [FIX] if coming from poster video autoplay would require 2 clicks for video to start
- [UPDATE] use video as a blob (self hosted)
- [UPDATE] choose between video or document fullscreen
- [UPDATE] update to svg icons
- [ADD] add restart button in controls
VERSION 3.71 [9.11.2022]
- [UPDATE] youtube responsiveness update
VERSION 3.7 [17.11.2021]
- [UPDATE] option to remember playback position on page change
VERSION 3.65 [16.4.2021]
- [FIX] hls load new video
VERSION 3.61 [15.2.2020]
- [ADD] 2 new event callbacks (fullscreenEnter, fullscreenExit)
VERSION 3.6 [5.11.2019]
- [ADD] option to show poster after video end screen (self hosted video, youtube, vimeo)
- [ADD] option to skip poster
- [ADD] optional video quality for mobile for self hosted video
UPDATE 3.5 [28.8.2019]
- [FIX] Toggle playback with multiple instances in the page
UPDATE 3.46 [28.7.2019]
- [FIX] Vimeo ended event
UPDATE 3.45 [7.6.2019]
- [ADD] MPEG DASH support
UPDATE 3.4 [31.5.2019]
- [ADD] Virtual reality 360 video
- [ADD] Image panorama
- [ADD] Apple HLS Live Streaming
- [UPDATE] General improvements
UPDATE 3.1 [25.3.2019]
- [UPDATE] add audio support (with optional image slideshow background)
- [UPDATE] some new options
UPDATE 3.0 [25.3.2019]
- [UPDATE] add Vimeo support (single video)
- [UPDATE] add image support
- [UPDATE] code improvements
UPDATE 2.65 [27.9.2018]
- [UPDATE] small code improvements
UPDATE 2.61 [13.5.2018]
- [UPDATE] update for Chrome autoplay
UPDATE 2.6 [10.3.2017]
- [UPDATE] some code improvements
tags: audio, background, background video, intro, landing page, video, vimeo, widget, youtube