Normalize.css – Convenient reset of browser-specific styles to industry-standard styling.
ChartJS – Awesome charts library simple & advanced config
Smooth Scrollbar – Simple and perfect scrollbar, working cross-browser.
Lodash – “A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.”
Roboto Font – Google’s official Material Design Typography font.
Google Maps for Angular – Maps library, useful for anything!
All Avatars used are from Adorable Avatars licensed MIT and can therefore be also used in your application and are included in the download.
Backgrounds used are from Unsplash. Marked as “Free to use in commercial projects”.
All other assets shown in the demo are included in the download. All external libraries are loaded with npm. All it takes to get up and running with our theme is NodeJS, which is quickly installed and well documented. NodeJS automates the whole process of loading external libraries and allows for an easy headstart.
--- `16.0.0` (15.05.23) ---
- Upgraded all dependencies to support Angular 16+
--- `15.0.0` (15.02.23) ---
- Upgraded all dependencies to support Angular 15+
--- `14.0.0` (31.08.22) ---
- Upgraded all dependencies to support Angular 14+
--- `13.0.0` (16.03.22) ---
- Upgraded all dependencies to support Angular 13+
- Various Bug-Fixes
--- `7.0.0` (21.11.18) ---
- Upgraded all dependencies to support Angular 7+
- Reduced bundle size by more than 200%
- Various Bug-Fixes
--- `5.1.0` (19.12.17) ---
- Upgraded to @angular/material ^5.0.1
- Implemented Angular Universal support
- Reduced bundle size even further
--- `5.0.0` (20.11.17) ---
- Upgraded to Angular 5
- Upgraded to @angular/material-rc.1
- Upgraded @ngrx/store, @ngrx/effect, @ngrx/store-devtools to ^4.1.1.
- Upgraded various other dependencies
- Reduced overall bundle size
--- `1.0.1` (13.09.17) ---
- Updated @angular/material to beta.10 and adapted all changes
- Updated @angular/cli to latest stable version
- Fixed various bugs related to building
--- `1.0.0` ---
Initial release
Sep 07, 2017 05:00 PM
High Resolution:
YesCompatible Browsers: