Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Slack, Viber, Telegram, Call Back, Email and more channels just in one button! Let customers choose their favorite method to reach you with 1 click and follow up the conversation anytime and anywhere!
This script displays contact-us button in the left or right bottom corner of the page.
When customer click on this button menu will be shown.
By default contact-us button displayed in the right bottom corner of the page. To change button position to left corner you can just add class left to the main widget container.
Last menu item opens callBack request form feature.
You can customize theme color, all texts and icons.
You can display countdown timer when customer request a call-back.
jQuery 1.x
jQuery UI 1.x (if you want to use button drag)
Google reCaptcha V3 API (if you want to use reCaptcha integration)
Callback request – customer cal easily request a call-back to his/her phone number
Google reCaptcha V3 integration – prevent bots to send call-back request via invisible Google reCaptcha V3
Countdown timer – display countdown timer when customer request a call-back
Theme color – customize button color (via less file)