Compare Products with WooCommerce

Compare Products with WooCommerce
Add additional features to your products and compare them against other items side by side in a clean, organized table using the plugin Compare Products for WooCommerce. With an easy to use drag and drop interface, add, modify, or delete a category or product feature, all without leaving the settings page. Features can also be displayed in a separate tab on the products page, or any page for that matter using a shortcode. Custom define the categories and features in each table Custom define which compare group each product belongs in Drag and drop interface allows easy sorting Add, delete, and save without refreshing the page Add the WooCommerce attributes you have already created, or a product specific settings such as: Price Weight Width Height Length Dimensions Stock Status Custom features as a secondary source of information with different input types including: Text (supports data HTML tags) Textarea (supports data HTML tags) Boolean Select Checkbox Change where the ‘Add to Compare’ checkbox appears Show a preview basket of selected items in a floating box at the bottom of the browser, or inline your webpage before or after the product list Show Compare Table on a page in your website or via popup window Option to show only the rows of the compare table with differences Responsive compare table enhanced for smaller devices or wider compare tables Widget to display selected compare items Display table horizontally or vertically Control how many items and their preview thumbnail size from the settings page Hide this ability on smaller devices Show list of feature as a tab on the single product page 2.1 - 2021-09-28 - Added: Ability to share a comparison table via unique URL - Added: Toggle button to highlight different rows in the comparison table - Added: New shortcode for displaying the comparison button - Added: New options to select image size for basket and table - Added: Ability to hide empty row in Single Product "Features" tab - Enhanced: Session handler remembers if floating basket is open/closed between page loads - Enhanced: Prevent multiple compare buttons from being selected at the same time to prevent errors - Enhanced: Better handling when all items are removed while viewing comparison table - Enhanced: Added more classes to the comparison table for better CSS customization - Enhanced: Product images in comparison basket and table linkable to product - Enhanced: Organized settings page into sections - Enhanced: Various code changes to meet CodeCanyon standards and requirements - Fixed: jQuery error in the dashboard after WordPress 5.5 upgrade - Fixed: Widget display overriding basket content when clicking 'Remove All' button - Fixed: Error message not appearing in compare basket - Fixed: Checkbox unmarked when limit has been exceeded - Fixed: Attribute settings not appearing in the table when no custom features exist - Fixed: 'Remove All' link not working first time in widget basket - Fixed: Corrected a couple strings that could not be translated previously - Fixed: Featured Tab sorting problem on Single Products page For a complete list of changes, view the full version log.

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