Akkhor – School Management Admin Template
Akkhor – School Management Admin Template is fully Responsive & mobile friendly admin template Based on HTML5, CSS3, JQuery & Boostrap 4 also ncluded ChartJs JQuery Library.
It can be used any School Management application also can use any cross-platform web application like admin panel, admin dashboard, account software, employee management, Payroll, custom CSS using any PHP framework etc..
Akkhor incuded all UI to input and visualize output that you need to build an application.
Main Features:
LESS support: Akkhor in based on bootstrap 4 and Less . All styles and custom UI are written in LESS.
Prebuilt apps: Akkhor included some prebuild apps.
Customizable color: Customize or create your own color scheme by changing the LESS color variable’s.
Data Table: Data table displays a set of data in clean table format. User can search and sort data.
Charts: Akkhor uses chartJs for data visualization. All necessary and common chart options written in defferent file.
Other Features:
Responsive Design
Bootstrap 4
Simple, clean and user-friendly design
Well commented code
Cross Browser Compatibility
20+ Pre-built widgets
UI Elements
Progress Bar
Form Elements
Basic Elements
Advanced Elements
Data table
Basic table
Google Map
Flag icons
Font Awesome
Roboto – https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto
Change Logs:
Version 2.0 (Oct 08, 2019)
1) RTL Version Added
2) UI Element Added: Modal, Alart, Widget
3) Login Page Added
4) UI Element page Bug fixed